“Miss Val has spoken with our freshmen Learning Community students for two years now, and each time has been a powerful experience. Not only does she share an important message – the universal effects of gratitude – but she engages with her audience on a personal level. After each session with Miss Val, we hear how encouraged our students were by her words and expertise. Even as their instructor, I leave feeling energized to look at the world in a new light. Thank you, Miss Val!”
Caitlin Cotten
Manager of Recruitment & Student Success
Purdue University Bands & Orchestras

Dear Friends,
Now is the perfect time to hit the proverbial Refresh button. Let’s not wait to see what the new-normal will look like, but instead, let’s start crafting our own new normal one step at a time.
While I’ve been missing the energy of a room full of interesting people, I’ve actually been enjoying transitioning into “Virtual Miss Val,” having spent the past few weeks providing remote inspiration, corporate coaching and TED-type talks via Zoom, Skype, and FaceTime for people of all ages and professions.
There is no substitute for face-to-face interaction! However, we don’t need to wait for the quarantine to be over to learn how to self-motivate, redefine our definitions of success and emerge as even better versions of ourselves.
If you’d like to discuss a Virtual Miss Val meeting or speaking opportunity:
Ted Talk, click here.
CBS Morning interview on why winning doesn’t always mean success, click here.
“We held a virtual event for principals and assistant principals who lead all-girls’ public schools, and we were delighted to have Miss Val as our keynote speaker. From her deeply inspirational anecdotes to her highly practical advice, the whole talk really resonated with our audience. Miss Val could not have been more relatable, and she approached the subject of leadership development with candor and joy. We bought her book Life is Short, Don’t Wait to Dance for every attendee, and they were excited to receive it. In short, she was a big hit, and she brought star power and valuable content to our deserving educators.”
Sarah Boldin
Director, Leadership and New School Development
Girls’ Education National Team