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Tags: choice

The Selfless Good Deed Challenge

The Selfless Good Deed Challenge

Someone asked me the other day to describe my husband and the simplest explanation I immediately thought of was, “Well, Bobby is the only person I know who says ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ to Siri.” Seriously. He does. What’s most impressive is that there is seemingly no benefit that comes from being polite to an […]

Need It? or Want It?

Need It? or Want It?

I have always been fascinated by the subtlety of words and their meanings. Too many of us get in the habit of saying things that we don’t mean, myself included. My current reference is when we say we need something when what we really mean is that we want something. This struck me the other […]

The M Word.

The M Word.

I work with millennials every day. Yes, they quite often drive me crazy. However, I think it’s time we give millennials a break. After all, aren’t they just a product of the prosperity that the generation before them enjoyed? They have the luxury of pursuing their futures (sports, education, arts, etc.) at the expense of […]

58-Day Challenge: Day 16

58-Day Challenge: Day 16

I‘ve successfully completed the first 25% of my 58-Day Challenge. As a reminder, on Saturday, June 24, I was driving to Pilates and thinking about how remarkable it was that one of our coaches and my dear friend Randy Lane recently ran 50 miles on his 50th birthday. “Dang! My 58th birthday is coming up […]

Honoring Our Inalienables

Honoring Our Inalienables

Inalienable (adj.) Not transferable to another or not capable of being taken away or denied. We live in a time that seems as if our political climate has produced national conflict as never seen before. However, all we need to do is look through our very short history as a nation to know this is […]