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Tags: gymnastics

Gymnastics Under Construction

Gymnastics Under Construction

Change doesn’t happen overnight… and anything important in life takes time. For change to take hold, consistency is vital; consistency to a new vision and the discipline and perseverance to stay the course toward that vision. There is no one-hit solution that will make the sports, including gymnastics, or any systemic injustice, better. Culture in […]

Mental Imagery: Not Just for Athletes

Mental Imagery: Not Just for Athletes

Our minds guide our lives. Having worked in athletics my entire adult life, the topic of Mental Imagery is nothing new to me. Whether it’s called the Game Within the Game, The Inner Game, or Mind Gym… it all refers to the importance of using your mind as your greatest asset and not allowing it […]

The Power of the Vision Board

The Power of the Vision Board

S o… we’re half way through summer. How close are you to those summer goals you set? How about those of you who didn’t set summer goals? Uh…. ??‍♀️! that would be me. Since I retired from coaching a few months ago, I’ve been bouncing all over the place with 101 different projects and speaking […]



In honor of UCLA celebrating their centennial birthday, I’ve decided to share the speech I wrote for my farewell banquet honoring the greatest university in the world. Dear UCLA, thank you for a life I would have never imagined.  For more than half my life you have welcomed me as a steward of one of […]

Storybook Ending

Storybook Ending

Storybook Endings ~ we all dream of them. We plan for them, work for them, hope and pray for them. How often do they actually turn out? I like to think that if I work hard and smart at something, that eventually my determination and discipline will collide with a bit of luck and that […]

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